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Elementary Me intensely focused
Beautiful Nature Hikes
With the ladies :D
Orchestra of New Spain Summer Camp

About Andrea C. R.

I have a taste of most things but haven't honed in on one particular skill yet. I’m an achieving student at Townview TAG, the number one high school in Texas, and am working around different student activities within the vicinity. As a fellow TAG student, I help set an example for some students and learn from other peers' efforts to keep steady with the rigoruos workload. Outside of school, I’m a musician, chicken-caretaker, and fellow K-pop fan. Much of the life lessons I stand by today comes from advice given by mentors like Ms.Kylie Richardson and my sagacious mother, who understands the type of person I am. Beyond that, I’m probably spending time with my family, visiting the Dealey chickens, decorating my planner, or listening to K-pop music that finds the right moments in different parts of my life.

About the Website

Throughout this website, you will be able to see works I've done in Computer Science since middle school, passions of mine out of school, and achievements I've earned from extracurriculars. There will be a contact page with a Google Form embedded so we can communicate with each other for potential opportunities for my future self and your future aspirations. Have fun :)